Whisper Darkly concept album

After over 2 years of recording, arranging, producing, and mixing, I am thrilled to announce the release of my new show, Whisper Darkly, the world’s first electro-swing musical! Written with librettist DJ Salisbury, it’s an immersive experience where the audience become the patrons of the Hush Club, Manhattan’s most notorious speakeasy, in 1928. Over the course of the evening, we follow three women as they each discover what matters to them most, and what they’ll do to get it. By the final curtain, each of their lives has changed in ways they never expected.
The album is now available on all platforms, and please follow @whisperdarklymusical on Instagram, TikTok, and our YouTube channel for sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes goodies!
Semester in Vienna!

I just returned from a semester in Vienna, Austria, which was magical. I had the pleasure of teaching a master class there at the MUK music conservatory, similar to the class I teach at Manhattan School of Music. We worked on finding each performer’s unique take on their song, analyzing the text, the music, the possibilities for physical storytelling, always emphasizing each actor’s own personal creativity – we had a blast!
The Periodic Table of Broadway Musicals
The Periodic Table of Broadway Musicals is an illustrated poster I created of 118 of the greatest shows of all time, arranged like the classic Periodic Table of the Elements. Each show’s “tile” has information like the opening year, number of performances, and awards and revivals it’s received, but best of all, I hired two phenomenal illustrators to create an original icon for each one, and they’re fantastic. Check these out:

Amazing, right? We had a terrific Kickstarter campaign, nearly doubling our goal. Here’s the campaign’s music video I shot all over NYC – how many music theatre references can you spot?
And here’s the finished poster in all its glory:

To order yours and learn more about it, head over to our main website for more information, artwork and bios of the creators, and please follow us on Instagram @periodictablebway for daily tiles and theatre history!